Our Heart Beats For Berlin
Our Heart Beats for Berlin
The attack at Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz on the 19th of December shook us deeply and our sympathies go out to the victims and their families. The attack was followed by a wave of compassion and sadness. People from Germany and throughout the world have been helping the victims with donations. What happens next?
In Berlin we remain resolute that nobody takes away our freedom and stops us doing the things we enjoy. These difficult times bring people of Berlin even closer together. Although the attack seems to have been long forgotten by the media, now is the time to continue to remember the victims, to remain by their sides. Therefore we are asking you to support the WEISSER RING e.V.
The WEISSER RING provides help to victims, their relatives and traumatised witnesses of the attack at the Berlin Christmas market. The professionally trained volunteers from WEISSER RING provide comfort and support through counselling, advice centers and the mediation of donations.
Contact: 030 833 7060 / lbberlin@weisser-ring.de / www.berlin.weisser-ring.de
To further the work of the victim support group WEISSER RING donations can be transferred to their bank account:
Reference: Hilfe für Berlin
IBAN: DE26 5507 0040 0034 3434 00
Donate Online:
The people of Berlin stick together. AMPELMANN Berlin is of course also helping. Berlin is our home and we all can help in some way. Freedom and being able to walk the street without fear – that is the way we want to live.
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